Hello everyoneee 😍

This is the first post of the term! It's been a long time since the last post I knoww πŸ™ˆ We have enough time to catch up this time no worries πŸ˜‰

This week, we had a truly challenging yet equally educational assignment: creating "corpus-based teaching material"! Yes, the name might sound unfamiliar to many of you, but don’t worry. For this assignment, we were given a task which is preparing a worksheet containing corpus material for high school preparatory students, along with a lesson plan. πŸ“„

We formed a group of four with my friends and got right to work because, as I mentioned, this task would take quite a bit of our time. First, let me briefly explain what a corpus is. A corpus is a collection of written texts, especially the complete works of a specific author or a set of writings on a particular topic. In other words, it’s actually a system that can provide students with authentic materials on a subject (grammar, vocabulary, etc.).

We really enjoyed exploring the corpusπŸ”Ž. After checking out a few different ones, "Skell" seemed the most suitable for us, so we chose it. Honestly, while it was enjoyable to work on, it was also quite challenging since it was our first time using a corpus in our materials, and we were quite confused initially. After the first feedback, we understood many things better and made revisions.

For me, it turned out to be an assignment I’m satisfied with 😎. Additionally, as a teacher candidate, it allowed me to get acquainted with corpus. To be honest, I wish I had used corpus when I was a student. 😊

Anyway, without dragging this on too much, I’m sharing our material and lesson plan below. See youuu sooonn😘😘

Lesson Plan: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1fjpmISGJRBM_O2PGGkSSCqR22foPrUvgn0n3jNu8rkY/mobilebasic

Get or Take Worksheet 


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